Thursday, January 2, 2014

Word for the New Year: "Akasha"

"What has it got in its pocketses?" -- Gollum

I don't make New Year's resolutions, but I do try to set some intentions. When I was at yoga on New Year's Eve morning, the instructor invited us to pick from a pile of Buddha cards. My card had the word "space" or "akasha." This didn't resonate with me at all and, slightly disappointed, I put it in my pocket and thought no more about it.

Reading through my correspondence this morning, I was reminded that several artist friends choose a word as a talisman of sorts and reflect on it throughout the year. I decided to use the word "space." It isn't what I would have chosen, but it was in my pocket, asking to be explored.

My first thought is that having cancer has focused a lot of attention on me from family, friends, doctors, which I truly do appreciate. But I think when my treatment is over I will need some SPACE to find and redefine myself (preferably by going somewhere warm).

My second thought is that I need to carve out more space for meaningful pursuits, and that means less virtual and more real. Less Facebook and more hands-on activities. Something tangible to show at the end of the day.

Finally, I googled "akasha" and liked my card more and more. The meaning varies by philosophy: in Hinduism, Akasha means the basis and essence of all things in the material world; the first material element created from the astral world. In Sanskrit the word means "space," the very first element in creation. Many modern Pagans believe that the Akasha, Spirit, is the Fifth Element, the spiritual force that Earth, Air, Fire, and Water descend from. The combination of these four elements make up Akasha, which exists in every living creature; without Akasha, there is no spirit, no soul, no magic.

This gives me plenty to reflect on as the year begins its new cycle. Physical, mental, spiritual space in which to heal, grow, create. It is going to be a good year. Akasha.